Michael Feder
2 min readJun 17, 2021


I was recently invited to join an “elite” group who has selective retreats and conferences. My response follows:

Thank you so much. I appreciate the outreach and your group.

Covid quarantine taught me something very valuable. I hate going out.

I used to travel weekly, and in fact had not gone without being on an airplane at least once every few weeks in literally over 30 years. Covid quarantine taught me I actually dislike travel. I used to dine out- I now realize I love eating at home. I used to breakfast with friends- now I realize I’d much rather walk the dog.

I found out that Zoom suits me just fine, and my goal for my remaining years is to stay home as much as possible. The idea of going to a retreat or meeting fills me with dread- not because of covid risk, but because- why would I want to leave my home?

So, my goals for the next 12 months are: no more than 2 trips, tops. Dining out 4 times in the next 12 months, or once every 3 months, will be PLENTY. All movies and entertainment at home- except live theater or performance, which I may do 2 times.

For many people, covid quarantine was terrible, and they cannot wait to get back in the world. For me and my wife, it turned out to be life changing in a great way- we rediscovered the joy of quiet, of home, and of isolation. Bliss!

For these reasons, I must respectfully turn down your invitation, since I’d rather pay to NOT have to attend a retreat of any kind.

